amby lastname dot xyz / licensing / blog™ / stats / projects


welcome to amber jay allison lastname's Personal Corner Of The Web™

hi! i am a programmer, musician, registerhead and general dipshit (she/they). call me allison. you can contact me on discord (allisonlastname), email (ambyshframber at gmail dot com), or irc (if you happen to frequent Apionet or SkipIRC)

this website is built using an extremely homemade builder tool and a smidge of rsync. i recommend viewing this site on a pc browser (it's usable on mobile, but it's not pretty)

the source code of this site is available here

a little pink beastie this is beans and she is pink

me in other places

major projects:

more projects here

you can find my other smaller things here

this site was last updated at Sun, 29 Sep 2024 11:15:00 +0100